3 Important Queries for Testing Your Availability Group Endpoints

Time flies, seasons are flying by and seemingly changing day by day. We have slippery slopes here, there, and everywhere. Every now and again Database professionals need a quick moment to get away from the fray. As luck would have it, it is now time for a fabulous party – to get away from all of the reality the world is offering us these days. So, without further ado, let’s escape reality for a brief moment and party on with TSQL Tuesday as we delve into the validation of Endpoints!

This party, that was started by Adam Machanic, has now been going for long enough that changes have happened (such as Steve Jones (b | t) managing it now). For a nice long read, you can find a nice roundup of all TSQLTuesdays over here.


This month, John McCormack (| t) invites us to share our most powerful and biggest tools. Well, maybe that is just a half truth. While it may be valid, the actual invite is for each party-goer to share a story about their favorite handy go-to “short” scripts. Granted, “short” is a protected class and is really more of a perspective from the eye of the beholder. What is short for you may be long for somebody else (e.g. maybe some of you think a short script is anything less than 2000 lines of code).

Another take on the term “short”, could be that it takes just a short amount of time to pull out a saved script to perform the task at hand (some routine task you may perform but doesn’t quite rise to the level of automation such as what Aaron Bertrand shared here). Please go and check the invite from John – here.

Continue reading on jasonbrimhall.info.

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