MinionWare, LLC

Deep in the ❤️ of Texas
MinionWare, LLC
We write solutions for SQL Server that don’t actively make us angry.

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MinionWare, LLC was founded by Sean McCown and Jen McCown. We are Microsoft Certified Masters in SQL Server, and database consultants. Between the two of us, we have over 35 years of experience with SQL Server specifically.

We started putting together the free Minion modules to address some of the major shortcomings of SQL Server itself, and of existing backup and maintenance solutions. In other words, we write products that don’t actively make us angry. Better still, these are the products we always wanted. We use Minion Backup, Minion Reindex, and Minion CheckDB at client sites for better manageability, flexibility, configurability, and lots of other -abilities.

We also teach at conferences around the world, raise three kids and a handful of animals, and in our copious free time, we pursue interests such as sleeping and eating. And one or the other of us likes to cook and run, but not ever at the same time.

You can get in touch with us via [email protected], or catch us on Twitter: Jen @MidnightDBA, and Sean @KenpoDBA.


My Posts
Dear Leadership: your SQL security stinks

Dear Leadership: your SQL security stinks

We are solidly in the age of the data breach, and companies are justifiably nervous. But not nearly nervous enough. “As with any security issue, a full review of all companies, systems, third-party applications and related IT solutions must be completed before final determinations can be made.” ...
Security, Security, SQL Server