Nic Cain

Hello, my name’s Nicholas Cain (not a lot of people know that).

Since the turn of the millennia, I’ve been working as a SQL Server DBA. I got my start going through a 7.0 to 2000 upgrade and have worked with those editions up to the latest versions in critical highly available production environments. This work allowed me to get enough knowledge to gain the MCM SQL Server certification.

You’ll find my blog to be a mixture of SQL, PowerShell, and some of the experiences I’ve have related to both of those.

If you want to get in contact with me you can drop me a line on Twitter or my site.


My Posts
SQL Server Best Practices

Speakers Third Rule

You’ve mastered the first rule and have submitted a session to present at a SQLSaturday, local user group or at your office, excellent. Your presentation is written, all the details are there…slides, demos and you’ve got your patter. You’ve followed the second rule and the presentation is all you. What’s ...