Kenneth Fisher

Near Dallas, TX
Kenneth Fisher
Kenneth Fisher
I work as a SQL Server Administrator near Dallas Texas. I started working with databases over 20 years ago now. Back in the day, when the world was young, I started out working with Foxpro for DOS. It’s been awhile though, so I’m afraid I can barely spell “Foxpro” anymore. I’ve been working in SQL Server for over 15 years now with a fairly even split between administration and development.

This blog is to share some of the interesting bits and pieces I’ve either learned over the years or that I’m just now learning. If anyone has any suggestions for me to write about or questions about what I’ve already written I would love to hear them. I can almost always be found hanging out on twitter so stop by and say hi!

Honored to be considered a Microsoft Data Platform MVP.
Data Platform MVP
Data Platform MVP


My Recent Posts

sys.objects VS helper functions (OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_NAME, etc)

I’ve you’ve done much work with the system views (DMVs for example) then you’ve had to translate an object_id into a schemaname and objectname and vise versa. To do that you’ve either used the functions OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME, and OBJECT_NAME or sys.objects and sys.schemas. So what’s the difference? Well, each version ...
SQL Server, T-SQL, T-SQL