Something Technical This Way Comes

SQL Server Best Practices
SQL Server Best Practices
To quote Ray Bradbury in Something Wicked This Way Comes:  “Everything that happens before Death is what counts.”

Wow!  How simple and profound.  Do you live your life as if it counts for something?  Do you have a passion?  Are you living your life for that passion?

My passion is best practices for SQL Server and I am taking a step forward in my professional development by putting together a presentation that I will submit to SQL Saturday Orlando.  I have struggled with this for sometime now and like most people I find it difficult to speak in front of audiences.  That is really sad, because from 1999 through 2001 I was a travelling consultant that would teach classes and present in front of total strangers.  As I moved away from that lifestyle, I became more of an introvert for some unknown reason and it is really difficult to break those chains.

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